A Message for Valentine’s Day – The Power of LOVE
No other emotion has inspired the human psyche more than LOVE. The pursuit of it has resulted in great poetry, great music, and great stories. We have learned about sacrificial love, unrequited love, unrelenting love, unconditional love, unfulfilled love, and forbidden love. We have rejoiced with destined lovers and suffered with star-crossed lovers. Through it all, we have marveled at the power of L-O-V-E.
Some of us have waited for this feeling to enter our heart so that we can live the life we want with the person that inspires that special feeling. But, I must tell you that love is not a dormant feeling that will leap in your heart when you see the face of that certain person. Love is action. Love is a decision to open your life and your trust to another person despite human failings and weaknesses. Love comes from within not from without.
To me, the most beautiful words of love are as follows:
Love suffers long and is kind
Love does not envy
Love does not parade itself, is not puffed up
Love does not behave rudely
Love does not seek its own
Love is not provoked
Love thinks no evil
Love does not rejoice in iniquity but rejoices in truth
Love bears all things, believes all things, hopes all things, endures all things
Love never fails
Happy Valentine’s Day to all !! Enjoy your chocolates and wine !
Aspire to put some action in your love!
Do you have any favorite words about LOVE? Please share.
Do you believe in the power of LOVE ?
Do I believe in LOVE…??? Umh!!! Now for the cynical view. Sure, I suppose love exists. But the pursuit of it takes many ugly turns. Oh my goodness, people die (at another’s hand) in the name of love. There are many children abandoned, neglected, abused by people who conceived them in the name of love. There are people who say they love, but they hurt, they control others. Many of them lie (about & for love). I’m not sure anymore.
There was a time that people committed to one another for more practical reasons. Interestingly enough, the relationships, or unions as it were, seemed to last a lot longer & stand a lot stronger. Expectations were not as grand of the other people. They were more reality based. People knew (or hand a better idea) of where they stood. Now we want one person to meet our innumerable needs. Ain’t gonna happen.
I believe that you start with someone you like, and are somewhat compatible with in the areas most important to you. Build on that and see where it goes. You can run with as many fantasies as you like within that relationship….until it no longer serves your needs or until you fall in LOVE. But just remember, when the kids come, you’ll have to start all over again. Why? Because the old you is gone and so is the old partner. If you can make it thru all this….now, that’s LOVE.
My favorite thought on love!
Life’s Sweet Mystery!
Love is like magic
And it always will be.
For love still remains
Life’s sweet mystery!!
Love works in ways
That are wondrous and strange
And there’s nothing in life
That love cannot change!!
Love can transform
The most commonplace
Into beauty and splendor
And sweetness and grace.
Love is unselfish,
Understanding and kind,
For it sees with its heart
And not with its mind!!
Love is the answer
That everyone seeks…
Love is the language,
That every heart speaks.
Love can’t be bought,
It is priceless and free,
Love, like pure magic,
Is life’s sweet mystery!!