This past weekend I was driving home from Austin, Texas after communing with other writers in a writing workshop and I thought about how lucky I was to be able to attend these activities. Writing is a very solitary art and writers spend a lot of time alone researching and writing so it is good to be with others who are pursuing the same passion.
The path to writing was not an easy journey. I have a successful “day job” which I like but there was a creative part of me that was unsatisfied. We all have a creative side and when it is not nurtured a person can experience a “blueness of the soul” that cannot be satisfied and is often misunderstood. Sometimes, we try to fill it with people, with things, etc. and it doesn’t help.
When it happened to me I thought back to a time when I was truly, truly happy and the image that came to me was a young girl sitting on the picnic table in her backyard writing in her notebook. I wanted that feeling back so I picked up a notebook again and started attending writing classes.
Even though I am not earning any money (yet) writing and it does cost money to attend workshops, classes, and conferences, I am thoroughly energized when I am writing. It doesn’t matter that I can only do it part-time because the emotional benefits are worth every dollar I have spent in the pursuit. It is the one thing that I do solely for me.
I believe that it is important to find that one thing (not person) to do that you are passionate about. We all have it and we did it as children but growing up and adapting to the adult world made us forget. For me, I always knew it was writing. However, there are some people who have yet to re-discover it.
So, I challenge you to pursue the thing you really love to do.
Here is a site to help you in finding the work you love:
If this doesn’t help try a few sessions of quiet time where you reflect on your past and the times when you were the happiest. You may be surprised at the revelation.
Are you DOING the work you love? If so, what is it?
If you are not doing the work you love, what is preventing you from pursuing it?
I have been reading your blogs but have never left a comment. Today I can relate to what you’ve said. Stay encouraged and keep writing.
I have to say that I enjoy teaching. But teaching computers is not my passion. My passion is gardening and cooking. So my dream job would be to either teach cooking classes or working at a garden shop. When I am able to retire from my job that pays my bills, do not be in shock if you see me working at a garden center.