Today is the day we set aside each year to remember those who gave the ultimate sacrifice for our country – America – and all that she stands for. I know a lot of us spend this day at the beach and/or park with family/friends enjoying a day off from work. However, I hope there were some prayers made for our men and women in uniform who are in harm’s way protecting our freedoms.
In my daily life, whenever I encounter a soldier in uniform, I walk up to him or her; reach out my hand for a handshake, and say, “Thank you for your service to our country.” I have done this in the grocery store, at the bus stop, in department stores and I am always surprised at the response. Each soldier that I have acknowledged in this manner seemed very humbled by my thanks.
I feel our soldiers have a right to expect gratitude from us. They voluntarily leave their careers, lives, and loved ones to do their duty. Their pledge of allegiance is followed up by direct actions when they go off to face our enemies. Whether you are supportive of war or not, I believe we all should always support our troops with our voices and our actions.
For our fallen heroes, let us pray for them and for their families. For our active heroes, let us find one action we can make to show our appreciation for their dutiful service. Please consider visiting to find a way to help.
God Bless America!
Do you have any suggestions on how we can support our troops?
Please share.
My Dad is a retired WWII navy veteran, and my husband retired Coast Guard. My bother-in-law’s retired Marine and Ar Force. So with that said, yes we should support our troops!