Before my friend and fellow writer/blogger asked me to join her in BlogHer NaBloPoMo for November 2013, I never considered daily blogging because I thought it would be difficult. Now, I am glad I did not hesitate because I have learned some things about myself while writing the first 5 blog posts. What I have learned is presented as follows in order of importance:
- I have learned there are people interested in my writing because I have acquired many new followers here and on Twitter in the last 5 days. I want to say THANK YOU to all of them for dropping by and reading my thoughts.
- I have learned if I am presented a topic I can write about it pretty quickly. (Now, what that really means is I have an opinion about everything!) This month the topics are being provided by BlogHer and that is helpful. So, I realize that, with some pre-planning, I can determine some topics and increase the frequency of my blog posts in the upcoming months.
- Daily blogging engages the writer more with the blog readers because of the frequency of new content. It is more interactive.
- With some discipline, time management and the use of scheduling tools, I can do this!
I was a daily blogger for a long time, sometimes multiple times a day and I learned a lot of valuable lessons. I’ve pulled back some now but enjoy getting back in the groove in November.