I am plugged in most of the day during the week. As a person with dual careers, Writer/Blogger and Information Technologist, both require an extensive use of technology to stay “in the loop” and current. I use a shoulder tote and a rolling bag to carry my personal IPhone, IPAD, company cell phone and laptop with me every day to stay plugged in. I use lunch breaks, waits in doctor’s/dentist’s offices, and stints under the hair dryer to catch up on email, jot down notes for the next blog post, or edit one of my novel scenes.
My plugged out time usually starts on Thursdays close to the weekend. I do consciously start unwinding from the week by shutting off my devices earlier on that day. Most Fridays, early evening, I meet with a friend at Starbuck’s to do language exchange. I am practicing Spanish and she is perfecting her English so we gossip in one of the languages or both over coffee. On the weekends, I do plug in for a 2-3 hour period each day but usually I am attending a social event or totally relaxing at home with a good book or movie. I consciously plan to spend a large chunk of my weekend time totally unplugged. This is the only way I can rejuvenate for the upcoming week.
You are so disciplined! I find that I am glued to an electronic device of some sort most of the time. I have also come to appreciate the wide net that the virtual world casts in book promotion and even friendship opportunities. Perhaps I need to go on an electronic device “diet,” though.
The discipline comes from being an Information Technologist for a long time. I am acclimated to using the devices for a specific purpose and moving on to the next task. Also, the devices are not a novelty to me. I am on computer 9 hours a day on the “day job”.
Yes, the virtual world is a WONDERFUL place to connect and learn.