These past couple of weeks in Houston we watched the drama unfold as Dr. Ana Gonzalez-Agulo faced justice for poisoning her lover, Dr. George Blumenschein, by putting anti-freeze in his coffee. Both are prestigious cancer doctors at M.D. Anderson Hospital which is renowned for the treatment of cancer. It seems that Dr. Gonzalez-Agulo could not bear the thought of Dr. Blumenschein plans to have a child with his longtime girlfriend, Dr. Evette Toney.
What is baffling is that Dr. Gonzalez-Agile entered into this relationship with Dr. Blumenschein knowing he had a longtime, live-in girlfriend. She knew her position in his life and I imagined he was so comfortable that he may have been callous in discussing his relational life with the longtime girlfriend with her. He probably thought that behavior was acceptable since she had full knowledge of his primary relationship. So, what happened to make her throw her whole career and life away? What made her decide to destroy another person’s health in attempt to destroy his life? Why didn’t she just walk away?
Merriam-Webster defines jealousy as “an unhappy or angry feeling of wanting to have what someone else has.”
I call it the green-eyed monster that consumes your reason when you realize you cannot control another human being.
Some of us (women) are so emotionally fractured that we cannot imagine life without a man – even a piece of a man. We know that Dr. Gonzalez-Agulo is a brilliant woman to reach the pinnacle of her career and to work at M.D. Anderson hospital helping so many women with breast cancer. However, because of this destructive emotion and her actions in the midst of it, Dr. Gonzalez-Agulo has been found guilty of aggravated assault and will serve 10 years in a Texas prison.
What a waste.
Have you ever experienced the green-eyed monster named Jealousy?
Do you have any advice on combating this self-destructive emotion?
I think it’s important to realize that jealousy is a personal issue and for some people it is so strong they are always looking for signs of infidelity. It’s like picking at a scab until it gets infected. If someone cheats, it will come out eventually, without you having to look for it. Why waste any of your time worrying about what your lover is doing when he/she isn’t with you? Either you have trust in your relationship or your don’t. If you are unable to trust, maybe you are not read to be in the relationship.