I know it has been a couple of weeks since I last posted. Life and family has gotten really busy. I started a couple of blog posts but I just could not get the words out in a manner that was suitable to present here. So much was going on that I felt passionate about and wanted to write about but I could not get the tone objective enough for you. I decided to just “chill” for a bit.
I am here today just to reach out and let all of my readers know that I am “percolating” on some ideas, rearranging some situations, and coordinating all of my “lives” so that I can come back writing strong.
I recall Arianna Huffington advising us at the BlogHer ’14 conference to take some time off when we need it to care for ourselves. So, I am just taking a short pause and will return next week. Maybe I will even find time to get to those dust balls under the sofa!
Hope all is well and you’re having a good and productive break. Thinking of you!