Is a ripe plum
Growing on a purple tree.
Taste it once
And the spell of its enchantment
Will never let you be.
Is a bright star
Glowing in far Southern skies.
Look too hard
And its burning flame
Will always hurt your eyes.
Is a high mountain
Stark in a windy sky.
If you
Would never lose your breath
Do not climb too high.
This poem is clearly about an addictive love. We are warned about being blinded by it and the pain of looking at it too closely. We are warned about the possibility of it becoming all-consuming and uncontrollable.
What are your thoughts about this poem?
Have you ever known or witnessed this type of emotion?
Love is warm, compassionate, considerate, giving, when people abuse, misuse , hurt , disrespect , demean others – that is not love.
I totally agree and wonder about the experiences of the poet to describe it as he did in this poem. Exactly why did he label the emotion as Love? He uses it in all 3 stanzas.