To Thine Ownself Be True
When I was a young adult I attended many of those hell and brimstone sermons at the church my family (and extended family) attended. Normally, I would allow my attention to drift during the course of the preacher’s dramatic performance but something the he said that day really stuck with me. I have often referred back to it during the course of my life passage. The minister stated to us “When the world seems all wrong and you are the only one that is right, look in the mirror…… because there IS your problem”.
WOW! This was something I could actually take home and apply to my life. Thus began my ritual of periodic self-evaluation.
When negativity enters my life, as it does for all beings, I stand in the mirror and ask myself the question “How, When, What, Why did I contribute?” And, when I (finally) reach the core of those questions there is usually some action or non-action that occurred.
I must admit looking within is a very tough thing to do. It is so easy to blame others and whine about our helplessness. But in that midnight hour, when you are all alone and sleepless from a painful situation, it is hard to lie to yourself. Face it. Move forward.
This trip “within” every once in a while is a necessary thing for personal growth. You must be prepared for not liking the behavior of the person in the mirror. However, you must hold on to the belief that awareness is the first step in changing behavior and can lead to a path of making amends………with yourself and with others.
- Do you feel self-evaluation is necessary for personal growth?
- Do you have a ritual of periodic self-evaluation?
Your childhood preacher hit the nail on the head. I have heard that one many times growing up and continue to live by it now. Yes, we do need that self-evaluation to assess where we are, review where we’ve been, and to seek what God has planned for us going forward. If we do not reflect, there is no way to keep the things that worked in our lives going, rid ourselves of those things holding us back from you blessings, and doing those things that need to be done to move us forward. A lot of people will seek to blame others for their problems when all they need to do is a little self-evaluation to get out of their rut.
This is a good reminder for us all. I’m going through some self examination right now.