“Change. The frightening frontier. This is the personal journey of a baby boomer. Her ongoing mission: To manage the life process by jumping on, riding with, and holding on to change – to seek out a healthier and peaceful lifestyle – to boldly transform a lifelong dream into a creative new life!”
I have a simple resolution for 2015 and the years ahead. I need to get a grip. I have foregone many healthful and helpful practices in my life for the sake of convenience. I have made some choices for the sake of comfort because what I really wanted to do was a bit uncomfortable. Now, I am paying the piper because even though I have a good life it is not the great life that I know I can reach. Since I truly believe the idiom that the present day is the first day of the rest of your life, I have decided to implement the practices that will improve my health and lifestyle. I have decided to be uncomfortable so that I can be propelled to the next level and to my destiny.
I know I am human. I will have days that I will vacillate. So I used my creative juices to make a method to help me with a kick in my butt on those days. Meet my little friend, Greta Grypp, at the top of the post. Her whole purpose is to be my change manager, my voice of reason, my cheerleader, and my shero when the road to permanent life changes becomes a little steep. When I start to succumb to choices and behaviors that will veer me from the path of change, I will envision Greta with her booted foot raised and in position to kick my butt into compliance.
My first mission is to introduce my creative voice to more readers through my blogging life and through my budding novelist life. This is the most difficult mission because every writer has an inherent fear of putting their words out into the universe. Also, the publishing world is changing and there are some great but frightening choices for new novelists. Greta will probably wear out a couple pairs of boots kicking me with this mission.
My second mission is to get healthier. You know when you are younger you can get away with skipping out somewhat on a healthy routine but when you become “vintage” (as my blogger gal-pal Vintage Woman at http://www.amivintageyet.com calls it) you can’t do that anymore. I have decided to make a simple start by doing three basic things (1) eat natural, gluten-free, and single-ingredient foods (2) move – walk, dance, bike, play, jump, whatever – my body for at least 30 minutes a day. I call this my 3-6-5 Move movement (3) Drink 96 ounces of water per day. For me, these three changes need to be implemented simultaneously for beneficial results. Each month, I will make another change to enhance my healthier choices.
Now, I have my initial missions and my cheerleader but I need a virtual crew. I have a virtual crew for my first mission (the writing life) but I need a virtual crew for the second mission. It is always fun to have others to share the healthy lifestyle changes with as you gain confidence and knowledge from the interactions. I plan to give a Greta Grypp report periodically on my progress with information on discoveries I make along the path of change. Hopefully, some of you will consider joining me in the 3-6-5 Move movement and report back with comments on your progress, too.
Change is really all about choices. Choices are the compass and the wheel of life. They make life movement and they control the direction of that movement. Because of that sometimes it takes all of your courage and will to make one. However, the opportunity to make a choice is a gift and the change it engenders is the reward.
Will you come join me in the 3-6-5 Movement? If so, reply back with a comment on the post.
Love the post. Are you giving out Gretta Grypp pins? How do we join your movement?
You have just joined! Just watch for the Greta Grypp report on me and you can comment with your report.
As for the pins, that is a fabulous idea that I will definitely pursue.
I am definitely setting myself back on a healthy path after a rather indulgent holiday season. I’m with you all the way!
Hi Laurel, I am so glad you are joining in!
Hi – i just found your blog through the Baby Boomer tag. Inhave enjoyed reading several of your posts on varied topics and enjoy your writing style. I especially liked learning about the global soap project and will see what I can do to involve more Colorado hotels.
Hi Sammy,
Thanks for finding my eclectic blog and for commenting! I want to especially thank you for considering the Global Soap Project and your willingness to spread the word about it. I really appreciate it.
You Bet!